About Me

It all starts somewhere…
It must have started with the family Camcorder or maybe it was my first pink toy camera, or perhaps it had to be the fun I found in creating iMovie trailers. Nonetheless, it all started sometime ago when a camera was placed in my hands.
And I haven't let it go since.
Quick Facts
Name: Sophia DiCosola (I go by Sophie!)
Currently: Senior Media Production Major, Spanish minor
School: University of Dayton, Go Flyers!
Favorites: Summer days, film sets, traveling, good food, my family, obnoxiously dancing with my roommates, going to Mass and Adoration, my camera-roll, rom-com movies, exploring new places, my dog Perry, coffee, and CREATING!
Creators that inspire me: Hannah Lee Duggan, Hannah Pak, Olivia Herrick Design, Baron Ryan, Meredith Good, 4 PM Media, and God